Tuesday, March 22, 2011



Public Schools

is eview.org - Charter Schools and the Attack on Public Edudation by Sarah Knopp


Monthlyreview.org Ensuring Inequality” The Privatization of Public Education in the US by Richard D. Vogel  http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2005/vogel190805.html 

Laprogressive.com Who Is Behind the Privatization of Public Education by Anne Zerrien-Leehttp://www.laprogressive.com/political-issues/who-is-behind-the-privatization-of-public-education/

 Blackagendareport.com - Obama’s Public Education Policy: Privatization, Charters, Mass Firings, Neighborhood and Family Destabilization by Bruce A.Dixon http://www.blackagendareport.com/?q=content/obamas-public-education-policy-privatization-charters-mass-firings-neighborhood-destabilizat 

Modeducation.blogspot.com - California’s Education Hall of Shamehttp://modeducation.blogspot.com/2011/02/californias-education-hall-of-shame.html 

Theperimiterprimate.blogspot.com - Paving the Way to the Privatization of the School Lunch Program 

 Democracy Now: How New Orleans went from a public school system to a charter school city - Amy Goodman interviews Nat Lacouhttp://www.democracynow.org/2007/8/30/the_privatization_of_education_how_new 

Lilith-ezine.com - Privatizing Education in New Orleans - The Commodification of Education by Kristen Governeau http://www.lilith-ezine.com/articles/politics/Privatizing-Education-in-New-Orleans.html 

 Education Denied by Katrina Tomasevski
Zcommunications.org - The Global Sellout of Higher Education: WTO and the University of Texas by Nick Schwellenbach 


Thealliancefordemcracy.org - Gats Handbook http://www.thealliancefordemocracy.org/html/eng/1333-AA.shtml 

 Sustectweb.co.uk - Why Corporate Globalization Destroys Public Education by John McMurtyhttp://www.sustecweb.co.uk/past/sustec92/92-16.html 

rethinkingschools.org. - Super Hero School Reform . Now Heading Your Way by Stan Karp 

commondreams.org - Why the United States is Destroying Its Education System by Chris Hedges https://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/04/11

Washintonpost.com - The Answer Sheet - Ravitch on Obama’s Scary Ed Reform by Valerie Strauss http://voices.washingtonpost.com/answer-sheet/charter-schools/ravitch-on-obamas-scary-ed-ref.html 

Counterpunch.org - Danny Weil
Part one: Neoliberalism, Charter Schools and the Chicago Model

Part two: The Charter School Hype and How It’s Managed http://www.counterpunch.org/weil08252009.html 

Part three: The Future of Charter Schoolshttp://www.counterpunch.org/weil08262009.html 

Mediatransparency.org - Public Schools

Talk2action.org - Voucher Advocate Betsy DeVos, Right Wing Think Tanks Behind Koch-Style Attack on PA Public Schools by Rachel Dabchick - Part One 

Part Two - Pro-Voucher Astroturfing: Campaigns Across Nation Coordinated by DeVos, Funded by a Few Mega-Doners http://www.talk2action.org/story/2011/4/24/22559/1547 

Part Three - Betsy DeVos Announces PA Governor Tom Corbet Will Key-Note National Policy Summit 
 http://www.talk2action.org/story/2011/4/26/112152/230/Front_Page/Betsy_DeVos_Announces_PA_Governor_Tom_Corbett_Will_Keynote_Pro_Voucher_National_Policy_SummitStrategy for Privatizing Public Schools Spelled out by Dick DeVos in 2002 Heritage Fund Speech http://www.talk2action.org/story/2011/5/3/12515/58655/Front_Page/Strategy_for_Privatizing_Public_Schools_Spelled_out_by_Dick_DeVos_in_2002_Heritage_Foundation_SpeechSubstancenews.net - Duncan’s ‘teacher appreciation’ BS backfires by George M. Schmidt http://www.substancenews.net/articles.php?page=2263 

 Theworldcantwait.net Obama’s Privatizing Agenda for Education? By Betsy Schonitzer 

buzz flash.com - Bill and Melinda Gates's Foundation Helps ALEC Undercut Public Education by BILL BERKOWITZ http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/13204 

Junctrebelioan.wordpress.com - How The American University was Killed, in Five Easy Steps by Jucntrebelion http://junctrebellion.wordpress.com/ 

Thehuffingtonpost.com - The Ones We've Lost: The Student Loan Debt Suicides by C. Cryn Johannsen

Unions and Wages 

Motherjones.com - Plutocracy Now: What Wisconsin; is Really About by Kevin Drumhttp://motherjones.com/politics/2011/02/income-inequality-labor-union-decline 

 Motherjones.com - I Was a Warehouse Wage Slave - by Mac McClelland 


Afscme.org - Making a Killing: How Prison Corporations are Profiting from Campaign Contributions and Putting Tax Payers at Risk

Alternet.org - 21st-Century Slaves: How Corporations Exploit Prison Labor 

Dailykos.com - Slave Labor, Prison Privatization, Prison Industry - ALEC Conservatives Push This Agenda Nationwide! by Bob Sloan

 Truth-out.orgThe Hidden History of ALEC and Prison LaborFriday 5 August 2011by: Mike Elk and Bob Sloan,
The Nation | Report http://www.truth-out.org/hidden-history-alec-and-prison-labor/1312553212

 Democracynow.com - New Expose tracks ALEC - Private Prison Industry Effort to Replace Unionized Workers with Prison Labor 

ProPublica.org - By the Numbers: The U.S.’s Growing For-Profit Detention Industry by Suevon Lee 

 Newyorktimes.org - Poor Land in Jail as Companies Add Huge Fees for Probation by Ethan Bronner 

 Public Infrastructure 

truthout.org - If It Sounds Too Good…What You Need To Know but Don’t About Privatizing Infrastructure by Ellen Danninhttp://www.stumbleupon.com/su/2ZM3kl/www.truthout.org/content/if-it-sounds-too-good-what-you-need-know-dont-about-privatizing-infrastructure-0 

 Alternet.org - The Corporate Take Over of Water in Ecuador, by Sarah Grusky 

 Foodandwaterwatch.org - The Price of Privatezation: Stolkton CA http://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/factsheet/price-of-privatization-stockton-ca/ 


Businessinsider.com - 20 Lobbyists Infesting the Obama Administration by Gus Lubin (a view from the extreme right

Naturalnew.com - Monsanto Rated Among Worst Corporate Lobbyists by Jonathan Benson 

Motherjones.com - Torturous Milestone: 40 Years in Solitary by James Ridgeway and jean Casella 


 Supplytruthout.org - Obama Deregulates GMO Crops Despite Supreme Court Injunction by Robbie Hanna Anderman, Tikkun 

truthout.org - New WikiLeaks Cables Show US Diplomats Promote Genetically Engineered Crops WorldwideThursday 25 August 2011by: Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

 natural society.com - Genetically Engineered Rice Pushed Through by Bill Gates & MonsantoDr. Mercola http://naturalsociety.com/genetically-engineered-rice-pushed-through-by-bill-gates-monsanto/www.derspeigel.com -  

How Global Investors Make Money Out of HungerBy
Horand Knaup, Michaela Schiessl and Anne Seith 

Gaurdian.uk - Oxfam warns of spiraling land grab in developing countries by John Vidal 

Gmofreeregions.org Greece 

responsible technology.org 10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs, by Jeffrey Smith 

 the ecologist.org - How global finance fuels a secretive and unethical land grab in Africa by Henk Hobbelink http://www.theecologist.org/how_to_make_a_difference/food_and_gardening/1162612/how_global_finance_fuels_a_secretive_and_unethical_land_grab_in_africa.html 

truth out.org - EXCLUSIVE: Under Industry Pressure, USDA Works to Speed Approval of Monsanto's Genetically Engineered Crops by: Mike Ludwig 

Wikipedia - Volatility, Finance 

Refuse to Eat These Foods - They Could Destroy Your Reproductive Organs Posted on January 12, 2012 by bbiba 
Greece The Enemy Within: Intragovernmental Politics and the Organizational Failure in Greek Privatization by George Pagoulatos (PDF) 

 common dreams.org. Ordinary Greeks Are Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands by Hara Kouki and Antonis Vradis http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011

Theeconomiccollapseblog.com - The Number One Catastrophic Event That Americans Worry About: Economic Collapse http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/the-number-one-catastrophic-event-that-americans-worry-about-economic-collapse  
PalestineTruth-out .org -
The Declaration of Independence Is a Beacon to the World: Thoughts on True American Democracy From Aboard the Gaza FlotillaMonday 4 July 2011by: Ray McGovern,

Consortium News | Op-Ed http://www.truth-out.org/declaration-independence-beacon-world-thoughts-true-american-democracy-aboard-gaza-flotilla/13097911 

 truth out.org - Killing Hope: Why Israel Targets Sports In Gaza by Dave Zirin, The Nationhttp://truth-out.org/news/item/12849-killing-hope-why-israel-targets-sports-in-gaza 

Constortiumnews.com - Likening Palestinians to Blades of Grass by Elizabeth Murrayhttp://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=4578306752442552226#template/postNum=13

 news.yahoo.com - Israel counted Gaza calorie needs during blockade by Amie Teibel 

 MexicoCoha.org - Council on Hemispheric Affairs - The Future of Mexico’s EZLN by Orion Cruz 

The CourtsSlate.com - Operating Instructions The Supreme Court shows corporate America how to screw over its customers and employees without breaking the law.By Dahlia Lithwick

Government Privatization
Inthesetimes.com - Publicopoly Exposed
How ALEC, the Koch brothers and their corporate allies plan to privatize government.
 Beau Hodaihttp://www.inthesetimes.com/article/11603/publicopoly_exposed 

Salon.com - W. enters my wife’s schoolboard race by David Sirota

The CommonweathEconlib.org - Privatizing Federal Government Assets Robert P. Murphy

Privatizaton ( my notes - a very thorough review with links) 

Crooksandliars.com - More Details Emerge in Republican Assault on Post Office and Postal Unions69 commentsBy Kenneth Quinnell  

truth out.org -
Mandatory E-Verify Would Overwhelm Social Security Administration, Increase Disability Backlog Saturday 17 September 2011by: Scott Hochberg

Theragblogspot.com - The Privatization of Everything by Richard Raznickov

Theragblogspot.com - As benign as Lucifer: The privatization of water by Richard Raznikov

Propaganda, Filth and Predation

 www.newyorktimes.com - Op-Ed ColumnistDeath and Budgets
By DAVID BROOKSPublished: July 14, 2011http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/15/opinion/15brooks.html 

Talkingpointsmememo.com TPMMuckrakerColumnist: Registering Poor To Vote 'Like Handing Out Burglary Tools To Criminals' 

Nationofchange.org - Old Debt Fueling Paydays for the Rich by Bryant Rouis Svitzky 

truth out.org - How Georgia Works Gives Employers Free Labor at the Expense of the Unemployedby: Mike Konczal

Salon.com - The theft of the American pension by Thomas Rogers 

msn.com - What’s to hate about Wal-mart by Megan BarnettIn a 2005
memo (.pdf file) to the Wal-Mart board of directors, a human-resources executive outlined myriad ways to save money on benefits, including ways to hire healthier people and requiring physical activity for all associates. She even raised the problem that comes with employees who are happy enough to stay at Wal-Mart for longer than the company would like:"(T)he cost of an Associate with seven years of tenure is almost 55% more than the cost of an Associate with one year of tenure, yet there is no difference in his or her productivity," she wrote. "Moreover, because we pay an Associate more in salary and benefits as his or her tenure increases, we are pricing that Associate out of the labor market, increasing the likelihood that he or she will stay with Wal-Mart."
The horror! If we treat our people well, they might actually want to stay. This kind of thinking by a senior human resources executive at one of the world's biggest companies is simply unconscionable. Over the years, there have been too many examples of this kind of pervasive thinking among Wal-Mart's top ranks.

Latimes.com - Why Rick Perry is wrong about Social Security by Michael Hiltzik

 http://articles.latimes.com/2011/sep/16/business/la-fi-hiltzik-20110918economistsview.typepad.com - Chile Confronts Problems Caused by Social Security Privatizationhttp://economistsview.typepad.com/economistsview/2006/01/chile_confronts.htmlAlternet.org. - 'Am I Going to Have to Kill You?': The Horrific Ways Abusive Debt Collectors Threaten and Harass Their Victims by Alex Henderson http://www.alternet.org/story/150638/'am_i_going_to_have_to_kill_you'%3A_the_horrific_ways_abusive_debt_collectors_threaten_and_harass_their_victims 
Fighting BackDaimyos.com - Iceland's On-going Revolution 
 by Deena Stryker 

 answercoalition.org - Fighting Back - veterans and service members stand up against war and raciscm

Alternet.org - Will the Young Rise Up and Fight Their Indentured Servitude to the Student Loan Industry? By Bruce E. Levine

Debtocracy - Katarina Kitidi and Aris Chatzistefanou 

Salon.com -The decade's biggest scam By Glenn Greenwald

Americaswarwithin.org -
Mall of America visitors unknowingly end up in counterterrorism reports by by G. W. Shulz 

buzz flash.org - White House Allegedly Behind Bill Allowing Military to Arrest and Detain American Citizens Indefinitely - MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/13201 

truth out.org - Elites Will Make Gazans of Us All, by Chris Hedges

Guardian.co.uk/ - Prosecution of Anonymous activists highlights war for Internet control, by Glenn Greenwald
 Baby Boomers

 the Atlantic.com - Profiles of the Jobless: The 'Mad As Hell' Millennial Generation by Derek Thompson 

Slate.com - Meet the Greedy GrandparentsWhy America's elderly are so spoiled.By Steve Chapman

Dailypaul.com - Keep Us Solvent: Defund the Baby BoomersSubmitted byfightapathy 

Sfgate.com - Occupy Protester’ Timing Is Right, Focus Wrong by David Crane

Military Industrial Complex
Wired.com - Keep Partying or the Economy Dies by Spencer Ackerman 

 Alternet.org - Meet the 0.01 Percent: War Profiteers by Robert Greenwald 

 warcosts.com Knossosbsa.as.uk - The Palace of Knosos and Its Surroundings - 3D Virtual Reality Tour

uchicago.edu - Knossos and the Prophets of Modernism by Cathy Gerehttp://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/289533.html

 Schillerinstitute.org - Archeology and the Truth of Man’s Prehistory by Susa Kokinda 

OCCUPY My Occupy LA Arrest, by Patrick Meighan

Cleanandsafeports.org - An Open Letter from America’s Port Truck Drivers on Occupy the Ports December 12, 2011
http://cleanandsafeports.org/blog/2011/12/12/an-open-letter-from-america%E2%80%99s-port-truck-drivers-on-occupy-the-ports/Alternet.org How Goldman Sachs and Other Companies Exploit Port Truck Drivers — Occupy Protesters Plan to Shut Down West Coast Ports in Protest - by Tara lohan 


Russia’s Road to Corruption -

Viet Nam

Billmoyers.com - video interview with Karl Marlantes

truth dig.com - the People’s Bishop, by Chris Hedges 

truth out.org - The People’s Bishop by Chris Hedges 

Thenewyorktimes.com - An Intimate History of Killing by Joanna Bourke

Ucla.edu - The Thrill of Combat - organ harvesting

No Time for Even a Breath: 

Umn.edu Center for the Advancement of Journalism
Zone Interactive. The NAFTA War - by Greg Campbell


Third World Traveler - The Zapatista Uprising excerpted from the book Profit Over People by Noam Chomsky Seven Stories Press, 1999

Coha.org - Council on Hemispheric Affairs - The Future of Mexico’s EZLN by Orion Cruz

Nationofchange.org Once Again, Death of the Liberal Class by Chris Hedges 

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